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Blog Posts in February, 2018

  • Surprised by a Procedure? Here’s What You Need to Know About Informed Consent.

    It is not uncommon for patients to undergo a procedure, such as an operation, and be surprised about the effects. Patients are often frustrated to find that their doctors withheld important information or failed to communicate the effects of their procedure. Sometimes this can boil down to mere miscommunication, and other times it can amount to a criminal violation of a doctor’s requirement to ...
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  • Can I Sue a Nurse for Medical Malpractice?

    Nurses are there to augment a doctor’s care and ensure you are taken care of. However, in the same way, doctors may harm their patients through negligence, failure to be careful, or disregard for proper procedures, nurses can hurt their patients by acting inappropriately. Depending on the specifics of your experience, you may have a case for malpractice if you have been injured or harmed by a ...
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